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查找Abacus-2.0.lua  写字本打开 替换以下内容

Name: Abacus-2.0
Revision: $Rev: 74018 $
Author(s): ckknight (ckknight@gmail.com)
Website: http://ckknight.wowinterface.com/
Documentation: http://wiki.wowace.com/index.php/Abacus-2.0
SVN: http://svn.wowace.com/root/trunk/AbacusLib/Abacus-2.0
Description: A library to provide tools for formatting money and time.
Dependencies: AceLibrary
License: LGPL v2.1

local MAJOR_VERSION = "Abacus-2.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = "$Revision: 74018 $"

if not AceLibrary then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceLibrary") end
if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) then return end

local Abacus = {}

local COPPER_ABBR = "c"
local SILVER_ABBR = "s"
local GOLD_ABBR = "g"

local COLOR_WHITE = "ffffff"
local COLOR_GREEN = "00ff00"
local COLOR_RED = "ff0000"
local COLOR_COPPER = "eda55f"
local COLOR_SILVER = "c7c7cf"
local COLOR_GOLD = "ffd700"


if not COPPER and COPPER_AMOUNT then
 GOLD = GOLD_AMOUNT:gsub("%s*%%d%s*", "")
 SILVER = SILVER_AMOUNT:gsub("%s*%%d%s*", "")
 COPPER = COPPER_AMOUNT:gsub("%s*%%d%s*", "")

local L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR    = DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR:gsub("%s*%%d%s*", "")
local L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR   = HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR:gsub("%s*%%d%s*", "")

local _, DAYS_ABBR_P1  = strsplit(":", DAYS_ABBR);
local _, HOURS_ABBR_P1  = strsplit(":", HOURS_ABBR);
local _, MINUTES_ABBR_P1 = strsplit(":", MINUTES_ABBR);
local _, SECONDS_ABBR_P1 = strsplit(":", SECONDS_ABBR);

local L_UNDETERMINED = "Undetermined"

local l = GetLocale()
if l == "koKR" then
elseif l == "zhTW" then
 GOLD_ABBR = "金"
elseif l == "deDE" then
 GOLD_ABBR = "g"
 L_UNDETERMINED = "Unbestimmt"
elseif l == "esES" then
 GOLD_ABBR = "o"
 L_UNDETERMINED = "Indeterminado"
elseif l == "zhCN" then
 GOLD_ABBR = "金"

local inf = 1/0

function Abacus:FormatMoneyExtended(value, colorize, textColor)
 self:argCheck(value, 2, "number")
 local gold = abs(value / 10000)
 local silver = abs(mod(value / 100, 100))
 local copper = abs(mod(value, 100))

 local negl = ""
 local color = COLOR_WHITE
 if value > 0 then
  if textColor then
   color = COLOR_GREEN
 elseif value < 0 then
  negl = "-"
  if textColor then
   color = COLOR_RED
 if colorize then
  if value == inf or value == -inf then
   return format("|cff%s%s|r", color, value)
  elseif value ~= value then
   return format("|cff%s0|r|cff%s %s|r", COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER)
  elseif value >= 10000 or value <= -10000 then
   return format("|cff%s%s%d|r|cff%s %s|r |cff%s%d|r|cff%s %s|r |cff%s%d|r|cff%s %s|r", color, negl, gold, COLOR_GOLD, GOLD, color, silver, COLOR_SILVER, SILVER, color, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER)
  elseif value >= 100 or value <= -100 then
   return format("|cff%s%s%d|r|cff%s %s|r |cff%s%d|r|cff%s %s|r", color, negl, silver, COLOR_SILVER, SILVER, color, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER)
   return format("|cff%s%s%d|r|cff%s %s|r", color, negl, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER)
  if value == inf or value == -inf then
   return format("%s", value)
  elseif value ~= value then
   return format("0 %s", COPPER)
  elseif value >= 10000 or value <= -10000 then
   return format("%s%d %s %d %s %d %s", negl, gold, GOLD, silver, SILVER, copper, COPPER)
  elseif value >= 100 or value <= -100 then
   return format("%s%d %s %d %s", negl, silver, SILVER, copper, COPPER)
   return format("%s%d %s", negl, copper, COPPER)

function Abacus:FormatMoneyFull(value, colorize, textColor)
 self:argCheck(value, 2, "number")
 local gold = abs(value / 10000)
 local silver = abs(mod(value / 100, 100))
 local copper = abs(mod(value, 100))

 local negl = ""
 local color = COLOR_WHITE
 if value > 0 then
  if textColor then
   color = COLOR_GREEN
 elseif value < 0 then
  negl = "-"
  if textColor then
   color = COLOR_RED
 if colorize then
  if value == inf or value == -inf then
   return format("|cff%s%s|r", color, value)
  elseif value ~= value then
   return format("|cff%s0|r|cff%s%s|r", COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER_ABBR)
  elseif value >= 10000 or value <= -10000 then
   return format("|cff%s%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r |cff%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r |cff%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r", color, negl, gold, COLOR_GOLD, GOLD_ABBR, color, silver, COLOR_SILVER, SILVER_ABBR, color, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER_ABBR)
  elseif value >= 100 or value <= -100 then
   return format("|cff%s%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r |cff%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r", color, negl, silver, COLOR_SILVER, SILVER_ABBR, color, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER_ABBR)
   return format("|cff%s%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r", color, negl, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER_ABBR)
  if value == inf or value == -inf then
   return format("%s", value)
  elseif value ~= value then
   return format("0%s", COPPER_ABBR)
  elseif value >= 10000 or value <= -10000 then
   return format("%s%d%s %d%s %d%s", negl, gold, GOLD_ABBR, silver, SILVER_ABBR, copper, COPPER_ABBR)
  elseif value >= 100 or value <= -100 then
   return format("%s%d%s %d%s", negl, silver, SILVER_ABBR, copper, COPPER_ABBR)
   return format("%s%d%s", negl, copper, COPPER_ABBR)

function Abacus:FormatMoneyShort(copper, colorize, textColor)
 self:argCheck(copper, 2, "number")
 local color = COLOR_WHITE
 if textColor then
  if copper > 0 then
   color = COLOR_GREEN
  elseif copper < 0 then
   color = COLOR_RED
 if colorize then
  if copper == inf or copper == -inf then
   return format("|cff%s%s|r", color, copper)
  elseif copper ~= copper then
   return format("|cff%s0|r|cff%s%s|r", COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER_ABBR)
  elseif copper >= 10000 or copper <= -10000 then
   return format("|cff%s%.1f|r|cff%s%s|r", color, copper / 10000, COLOR_GOLD, GOLD_ABBR)
  elseif copper >= 100 or copper <= -100 then
   return format("|cff%s%.1f|r|cff%s%s|r", color, copper / 100, COLOR_SILVER, SILVER_ABBR)
   return format("|cff%s%d|r|cff%s%s|r", color, copper, COLOR_COPPER, COPPER_ABBR)
  if value == copper or value == -copper then
   return format("%s", copper)
  elseif copper ~= copper then
   return format("0%s", COPPER_ABBR)
  elseif copper >= 10000 or copper <= -10000 then
   return format("%.1f%s", copper / 10000, GOLD_ABBR)
  elseif copper >= 100 or copper <= -100 then
   return format("%.1f%s", copper / 100, SILVER_ABBR)
   return format("%.0f%s", copper, COPPER_ABBR)

function Abacus:FormatMoneyCondensed(value, colorize, textColor)
 self:argCheck(value, 2, "number")
 local negl = ""
 local negr = ""
 if value < 0 then
  if colorize and textColor then
   negl = "|cffff0000-(|r"
   negr = "|cffff0000)|r"
   negl = "-("
   negr = ")"
 local gold = floor(math.abs(value) / 10000)
 local silver = mod(floor(math.abs(value) / 100), 100)
 local copper = mod(floor(math.abs(value)), 100)
 if colorize then
  if value == inf or value == -inf then
   return format("%s|cff%s%s|r%s", negl, COLOR_COPPER, math.abs(value), negr)
  elseif value ~= value then
   return format("|cff%s0|r", COLOR_COPPER)
  elseif gold ~= 0 then
   return format("%s|cff%s%d|r.|cff%s%02d|r.|cff%s%02d|r%s", negl, COLOR_GOLD, gold, COLOR_SILVER, silver, COLOR_COPPER, copper, negr)
  elseif silver ~= 0 then
   return format("%s|cff%s%d|r.|cff%s%02d|r%s", negl, COLOR_SILVER, silver, COLOR_COPPER, copper, negr)
   return format("%s|cff%s%d|r%s", negl, COLOR_COPPER, copper, negr)
  if value == inf or value == -inf then
   return tostring(value)
  elseif value ~= value then
   return "0"
  elseif gold ~= 0 then
   return format("%s%d.%02d.%02d%s", negl, gold, silver, copper, negr)
  elseif silver ~= 0 then
   return format("%s%d.%02d%s", negl, silver, copper, negr)
   return format("%s%d%s", negl, copper, negr)

local t
function Abacus:FormatDurationExtended(duration, colorize, hideSeconds)
 self:argCheck(duration, 2, "number")
 local negative = ""
 if duration ~= duration then
  duration = 0
 if duration < 0 then
  negative = "-"
  duration = -duration
 local days = floor(duration / 86400)
 local hours = mod(floor(duration / 3600), 24)
 local mins = mod(floor(duration / 60), 60)
 local secs = mod(floor(duration), 60)
 if not t then
  t = {}
  for k in pairs(t) do
   t[k] = nil
 if not colorize then
  if not duration or duration > 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
  if days > 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("%d %s", days, DAYS_ABBR_P1))
  elseif days == 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("%d %s", days, DAYS_ABBR))
  if hours > 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("%d %s", hours, HOURS_ABBR_P1))
  elseif hours == 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("%d %s", hours, HOURS_ABBR))
  if mins > 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("%d %s", mins, MINUTES_ABBR_P1))
  elseif mins == 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("%d %s", mins, MINUTES_ABBR))
  if not hideSeconds then
   if secs > 1 then
    table.insert(t, format("%d %s", secs, SECONDS_ABBR_P1))
   elseif secs == 1 then
    table.insert(t, format("%d %s", secs, SECONDS_ABBR))
  if table.getn(t) == 0 then
   if not hideSeconds then
    return "0 " .. SECONDS_ABBR_P1
    return "0 " .. MINUTES_ABBR_P1
   return negative .. table.concat(t, " ")
  if not duration or duration > 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
   return "|cffffffff"..L_UNDETERMINED.."|r"
  if days > 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", days, DAYS_ABBR_P1))
  elseif days == 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", days, DAYS_ABBR))
  if hours > 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", hours, HOURS_ABBR_P1))
  elseif hours == 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", hours, HOURS_ABBR))
  if mins > 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", mins, MINUTES_ABBR_P1))
  elseif mins == 1 then
   table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", mins, MINUTES_ABBR))
  if not hideSeconds then
   if secs > 1 then
    table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", secs, SECONDS_ABBR_P1))
   elseif secs == 1 then
    table.insert(t, format("|cffffffff%d|r %s", secs, SECONDS_ABBR))
  if table.getn(t) == 0 then
   if not hideSeconds then
    return "|cffffffff0|r " .. SECONDS_ABBR_P1
    return "|cffffffff0|r " .. MINUTES_ABBR_P1
  elseif negative == "-" then
   return "|cffffffff-|r" .. table.concat(t, " ")
   return table.concat(t, " ")

function Abacus:FormatDurationFull(duration, colorize, hideSeconds)
 self:argCheck(duration, 2, "number")
 local negative = ""
 if duration ~= duration then
  duration = 0
 if duration < 0 then
  negative = "-"
  duration = -duration
 if not colorize then
  if not hideSeconds then
   if not duration or duration > 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("%s%d%s %02d%s %02d%s %02d%s", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration, 60), L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 3600 then
    return format("%s%d%s %02d%s %02d%s", negative, duration/3600, L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration, 60), L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 120 then
    return format("%s%d%s %02d%s", negative, duration/60, L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration, 60), L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
    return format("%s%d%s", negative, duration, L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   if not duration or duration > 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("%s%d%s %02d%s %02d%s", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 3600 then
    return format("%s%d%s %02d%s", negative, duration/3600, L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR)
    return format("%s%d%s", negative, duration/60, L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR)
  if not hideSeconds then
   if not duration or duration > 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
    return "|cffffffff"..L_UNDETERMINED.."|r"
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration, 60), L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 3600 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s", negative, duration/3600, L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration, 60), L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 120 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s", negative, duration/60, L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration, 60), L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s", negative, duration, L_SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   if not duration or duration > 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
    return "|cffffffff"..L_UNDETERMINED.."|r"
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 3600 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%02d|r%s", negative, duration/3600, L_HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/60, 60), L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR)
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s", negative, duration/60, L_MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR)

function Abacus:FormatDurationShort(duration, colorize, hideSeconds)
 self:argCheck(duration, 2, "number")
 local negative = ""
 if duration ~= duration then
  duration = 0
 if duration < 0 then
  negative = "-"
  duration = -duration
 if not colorize then
  if not duration or duration >= 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
   return "***"
  elseif duration >= 172800 then
   return format("%s%.1f %s", negative, duration/86400, DAYS_ABBR_P1)
  elseif duration >= 7200 then
   return format("%s%.1f %s", negative, duration/3600, HOURS_ABBR_P1)
  elseif duration >= 120 or not hideSeconds then
   return format("%s%.1f %s", negative, duration/60, MINUTES_ABBR_P1)
   return format("%s%.0f %s", negative, duration, SECONDS_ABBR_P1)
  if not duration or duration >= 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
   return "|cffffffff***|r"
  elseif duration >= 172800 then
   return format("|cffffffff%s%.1f|r %s", negative, duration/86400, DAYS_ABBR_P1)
  elseif duration >= 7200 then
   return format("|cffffffff%s%.1f|r %s", negative, duration/3600, HOURS_ABBR_P1)
  elseif duration >= 120 or not hideSeconds then
   return format("|cffffffff%s%.1f|r %s", negative, duration/60, MINUTES_ABBR_P1)
   return format("|cffffffff%s%.0f|r %s", negative, duration, SECONDS_ABBR_P1)

function Abacus:FormatDurationCondensed(duration, colorize, hideSeconds)
 self:argCheck(duration, 2, "number")
 local negative = ""
 if duration ~= duration then
  duration = 0
 if duration < 0 then
  negative = "-"
  duration = -duration
 if not colorize then
  if hideSeconds then
   if not duration or duration >= 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
    return format("%s**%s **:**", negative, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("%s%d%s %d:%02d", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), mod(duration/60, 60))
    return format("%s%d:%02d", negative, duration/3600, mod(duration/60, 60))
   if not duration or duration >= 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
    return negative .. "**:**:**:**"
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("%s%d%s %d:%02d:%02d", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), mod(duration/60, 60), mod(duration, 60))
   elseif duration >= 3600 then
    return format("%s%d:%02d:%02d", negative, duration/3600, mod(duration/60, 60), mod(duration, 60))
    return format("%s%d:%02d", negative, duration/60, mod(duration, 60))
  if hideSeconds then
   if not duration or duration >= 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
    return format("|cffffffff%s**|r%s |cffffffff**|r:|cffffffff**|r", negative, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), mod(duration/60, 60))
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r", negative, duration/3600, mod(duration/60, 60))
   if not duration or duration >= 86400*36500 then -- 100 years
    return format("|cffffffff%s**|r%s |cffffffff**|r:|cffffffff**|r:|cffffffff**|r", negative, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR)
   elseif duration >= 86400 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r%s |cffffffff%d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r", negative, duration/86400, L_DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR, mod(duration/3600, 24), mod(duration/60, 60), mod(duration, 60))
   elseif duration >= 3600 then
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r", negative, duration/3600, mod(duration/60, 60), mod(duration, 60))
    return format("|cffffffff%s%d|r:|cffffffff%02d|r", negative, duration/60, mod(duration, 60))

AceLibrary:Register(Abacus, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
Abacus = nil



